this is a website for a school project i am doing. i made a pokedex full of pokemon, and wrote them all pokedex entries. it is not presently finalized, but it hopefully will be by tommorow as i add the final pokemon and finish numbering. the last three pokemon in the dex are the psudeo legendaries. i dont have images yet, sorry. have fun!
Pokedex entries
Faunub is a small bear made of grass. Its long hair prevents water from getting in its eyes
Flufbud grows out its fur in an attempt to tough out the cold. Because of this, it tends to like to live further north, and sweats in the summer if it is too hot.
Grizzleaf wanders in the forest, feeding on the crimsal that swim in the rivers to spawn during the summer months, and feed on trouna during the fall and spring. They hibernate in the winter.
This pokemon finds it home in sewers, which is home to many different bacteria and parasites. One of these types of bacteria attaches to the heads of crybara as babies, and feeds off of them to flourish and grow. An unfortunate side effect of this is that it gives the crybara terrible headaches, causing them to cry
As the plant on this pokemon’s head grows, it gets tangled in things and takes control of them. Due to them living in a sewer, it seems to usually grab onto manhole covers
Water - steel
With time, the manhole covers surrounding this pokemons body have bent and adapted to the shape of the pokemon. This results in its many covers creating an armored shell around it.
Water - steel
Long ago, this pokemon was possessed by an unknown, fiery spirit. When the spirit died, it left a new species of flaming, rageful pokemon
Fire - dark
If this pokemon is fed small pieces of wood, the fire on its mane grows in size, and its anger shrinks
Fire - dark
As this pokemon gains speed, the fire on its mane grows. This poses a threat to any trainer that tries to ride it
Fire - dark
This pokemon can go over 100 miles per hour while digging. It tends to undermine houses and cause them to collapse due to the lack of dirt under the foundation. This reduces home prices anywhere it is found
Ground - normal
This pokemon gathers dirt and rock to build large hills that it calls its home. This is very disruptive to the landscape
Ground - normal
This pokemon is covered in a suit of metal. It is in training to grow up and serve its queen
Bug - steel
A bug pokemon covered in armor. It uses its lance-like nose to fight and bring blood to its queen
Bug - steel
Mosqueen shed their armor and laze around. Their male counterparts, Meskinght, exist to serve them.
Bug - dark
It dwells in the rivers and creeks where it is born. It finds coins that are dropped in these rivers and keeps them in its mouth. When it is attacked, it spits these coins at its attacker
After migrating to the ocean, it joins a school of other ocearn. These schools work together to sink small ships, and steal coins from the passengers.
When ocearn swim up the rivers to spawn, the water from the river wears down on their mouths. This causes the coins they store there to fall out and cut it, creating crimsal
Water - dark
These pokemon bury themselves underground, waiting for something to step on it. When it is stepped on, it spits hot oil from the inside of its body onto their feet
Grass - normal
It hides the under half of its body, hoping for a human to mistake it as fries and pick it up. When someone does this, it attacks their hand and tries to eat them
Grass - normal
This pokemon hides in small trees, waiting for something to walk under. When something does walk under it, it pours the blazing hot liquid from its head onto them. It does not eat its prey, and it only does this for fun
Grass - normal
This is a metal replica of a species that existed hundreds of years ago. They were hunted to extinction, and their ghosts possessed hunting dummies made to lure them to thier death.
Steel - ghost
This is a metal replica of a species that existed hundreds of years ago. They were hunted to extinction, and their ghosts possessed hunting dummies made to lure them to thier death.
Steel - ghost
This is a metal replica of a species that existed hundreds of years ago. They were hunted to extinction, and their ghosts possessed hunting dummies made to lure them to thier death.
Steel - ghost
A very small pokemon. They are feisty and aggressive, despite their size, and it is usually not very good for them
An average size pokemon. They make up for their mediocre size and strength by being incredibly aggressive and violent.
A small rodent with large sharp teeth. It enjoys eating wood, which makes grass type pokemon hate it.
This Pokémon can fly, but it prefers to stay in the water. It is lazy, and feeds on Pokémon that were fainted by other battles.
Water - flying
This pokemon has a intimidating, commanding presence. It tends to command groups of loonit, and forces them to do its bidding.
Water - flying
A small blue pokemon. It is weak, and can barely fly. It relies on its mother for protection
This pokemon is feirely loyal to its children. Its brilliant blue feathers are striking to the eye, and it takes burrow in pre existing, abandoned nests.
This small pokemon hunts bug pokemon using its keen sense of smell, and then cooks them with its fiery breath
Fire- normal
This pokemon lives in mountain ranges, preying on smaller, weaker pokemon
Fire - normal
This Pokémon is a vicious hunter. It is sought after for its strength, but it is hard to catch because they live in large groups.
Water - dark
034: venapole
This small pokemon lives in swamps. It is poisonus to the touch, causing areas it inhabits to not be safe to swim in
035: todasin
This pokemon gathers large amounts of its pre evolution, venapole, stretches them out and fires them like an arrow. Its aim is perfect.
036: caterski
This pokemon is small and slow, so it bites peices of bark off trees and uses them to glide over the snowy areas that it lives
Bug - ice
037: monarfly
This pokemon has large peices of bark attatched to its feet. It glides over the snow and gains speed before it takes off into the air. It can fly at mach speeds.
Bug - ice
a rectangular pokemon. It exerts a smell that lures in ratata and raticate. When a pokemon steps on it, its teeth latch into its foot. Because of this, it is often used for pest control
Poison - dark
039: trapous
This pokemon is shaped like a box, with a large mouth with no teeth. When a pokemon wanders into it, it is trapped by its sticky poison
Poison - dark
040: traparat
A large box shaped pokemon. Its poison is able to take control of other pokemon, and it uses the bodies of the pokemon it has trapped to fight for it.
Poison - normal
041: syrdup
It is a small blob of a pokemon. It gets around with small legs that grow out of the bottom of its body, and the slime it leaves behind when it moves is incredibly tasty
042: branchrup
This pokemon attatched itself to a branch, and uses leaves to fly in the air. It hunts its prey by covering them in its goo and suffocating them.
Grass - dragon
043: draroot
This pokemon is covering a small tree. It uses a large ammmount of leaves and branches in its wings to give them structure.
Grass - dragon
044: soitoad
This pokemon lives in the dirt. When a plant dies, it eats it whole, and grinds it up with the plates in its stomach. It then spits out the mush that remains, and this mush improves the quality of the soil by very large amounts.
This pokemon weaves its long, shedded hair into hats. It gives these hats out to freezing people and pokemon, in an attempt to warm them up.
046: buronew
This small pokemon digs deep holes into the ground. If any pokemon would step on top of these holes, it stabs its poisonus spines into thier feet.
Ground - poison
047: newgrow
This pokemon creates large burrows underground. It then breaks off its poisonus spines and positions them like traps at the entrances to its holes. It can regrow these spines very quickly.
Ground - poison
048: larvaby
When this pokemon is born, it does not have wings, so it crawls into the water for seven years, until its wings grow
Water - fairy
049: driftgon
When this pokemons wings grow in, it leaves the water. After a bit of training, this pokemon can fly as fast as a jet plane.
Fairy - dragon
050: seineye
This pokemon was created by an alakazam that was born with three eyes. It reproduces by taking eyes out of corpses and turning them in to a spirit.
Ghost - Fire
051: fenear
This pokemons ears are so large that it can hear any movement for 100 kilometers. It has adapted this way due to the constant sandstorms in the deserts where it lives obscure its vison.
This pokemon eats takes the bark off of trees and turns it into a sweet liquid. It drinks this liquid to recover from fights
053: rootbear
This pokemon takes entire trees, uses them to fight its enemies, and then turns them into liquid and drinks them. This liquid is said to have healing properties.
The psychic powers of the rock on this pokemon are so powerful that it can bend metal. It can take control of the mind of any human that mistakes it for a ring
Psychic - rock
055: ridbox
This pokemon is controlled by the psychic gem on the lid. It hunts down souls and traps them in its box.
Psychic - rock
This pokemon is small and innocent. Due to its paccifist nature, it refuses to fight other pokemon, and if it is put into a battle, it will return to its pokeball immediatley.
057: stritten
This pokemon has undergone severe training. Because of this, it is said that its punches can break through diamond in a single hit.
Fighting - fairy
This pokemon gathers electricity in its tail. It then channels this electricity into its vocal chords, to deal devastatingly large damage with its sound based attacks
Lighting - fairy
059: pisofan
This large pokemon channels electricity through its body to shoot small rocks out of its long nose. It shoots these pebbles at such extreme sppeds that it can instantly kill a person.
Electric - rock
060: eleblast
This gigantic pokemon has enough electricity in its body to kill most creatures. It puts large boulders into its nose, and shoots them out fast enough to knock down a skyscraper.
Electric - rock
061: frosdee
This pokemon is born in almost constant blizzards. This has caused it to be very acustomed to the icy weather, and it is almost always covered by a layer of ice.
Ice - flying
062: frosdive
It is covered by a sharp layer of ice. It takes advantage of this by fiying up high and dive-bombing its enimies.
Ice - flying
063: frosray
Ice has grown over this Pokémon and formed a hard Armour. Its large size allows it to intimidate opponents into backing off, and if they do decide to attack it, they wont deal that much damage
ice - flying
This brilliant white pokemon is said to be a sign of better times. It flies over cities alone, bringing hope to the people.
065: doveroad
This pokemon manifests when someone is cruel enough to kill a baydove. It will bring torment to the one that killed it.
Ghost - flying
066: dovereap
This Pokémon has dedicated itself to helping transition the dying into the afterlife. It is often feared, as people have see it before thier loved ones die.
Ghost - flying
067: chippit
This Pokémon is small and weak. It makes up for this with its ability to take over a human mind and force them to do its bidding by pulsing electricity through its muscles.
068: chiplord
Millions of chippit formed into a humanoid shape. It has immense strength and speed, and it can take control of thousands of people at once.
Electric - psychic
069: foxlash
This pokemon grabs vines and uses them to grapple onto trees. It swings from tree to tree and drops itself on its enemies heads.
Fighting – grass
070: rookrow
When the weather turns cold, this pokemon will leave. If you stop seeing these pokemon, it is likely that the cold is coming.
071: albany
This pokemon is incredibly fast. It lives thousands of feet deep, but it hunts for prey that live at the surface. It can travel from the ocean depths in only a couple of seconds
072: yellajet
This pokemon possesses speeds to rival a jet plane. If it crashes into a boat, the boat will likley sink, making the waters where it lives incredibly dangerous.
073: blusoar
This pokemon can launch itself out of the water at mach speeds. It launches into the air, and it catches and eats flying type Pokémon that can live miles up in the sky.
Water - dragon
074: ribarch
This pokemon uses its psychic abilities to get incredibly accurate aim. It grabs random objects and throws them, almost always hitting its targets.
075: croaleye
This pokemon uses its teeth to sharpen sitcks and inject venom into the tip. It uses its psychic power to ensure that theses arrows always hit thier targets.
psychic - poison
076: neighfly
This pokemon uses its powerful jaws to bite chunks out of people. Its bites are extremely painful, and cause horrible bleeding
This pokemon’s legs are powered with electricity. It runs on all fours. and it can reach speeds that make it invisible to the human eye. It jumps high into the sky, and dashes down to deal a devastating kick.
078: cryblock
This armored pokemon was trapped into a block of ice thousands of years ago. Its only goal is to break out of this block of ice, and to try and do this, it has developed psychic powers.
Ice - psychic
079: braiking
This pokemon was once trapped in a block of ice. It broke out, and is now seeking vengance on the person that trapped it there. Its body has long disappeared, and it is now nothing but a suit of Armour with psychic powers.
Psychic - steel
080: rufpupet
This pokemon was originally a childs toy. When that child grew up and discarded it, a ghost possessed it.
This pokemon is not very smart. It runs across roads and risks getting hit by cars. This does not happen much though, as its legs are short and its body is low to the ground.
082: solnedash
This pokemon developed wheels in its legs. It uses these wheels to travel at speeds up to 200 km/h. If it did not have these wheels, it would be very slow, because its actual legs are very short.
Normal - electric
083: feras
This pokemon is quite weak, but it makes up for it with its speed. It can throw around 5 punches in the time that a regular person could throw one. It is also very skilled at dodging.
084: filblade
To compensate for its weak body, this pokemon coats its fists in steel. With swift movements and iron fists, not much can survive its onslaught.
Fighting - steel
085: burstar
This pokemon is said to draw its power from the sun. It gathers heat in its body, and expells it as rays of radiant light to deal damage to its opponents
Fire - fairy
086: suseer
This pokemon has possessed a sword. It will use any sword that it can find, and the actual pokemon is the eye on the hilt.
Psychic - steel
087: warks
It is a small, semi-aquatic creature. It loves humans, and it will walk beside its trainer happily. If anyone disturbs its trainer, it will bite their ankles until they cant walk.
Ground - water
088: concealis
This happy looking pokemon likes pretending to befriend trainers, and then spitting small rocks at them when they least expect it.
089: runnirug
This pokemon disguises itself as a patch of grass, so that when another pokemon steps on it, it can swallow them whole.
Grass – dark
090: ceraseek
A strange, floating pokemon that resembles a human brain. It has 13 eyes all over its body, and it seems to float around without reason.
091: apurie
This pokemon traps spirits inside of it, and then creates ilusions of them to scare people wandering through the mountains where it lives
Ice - ghost
092: Clake
A long, poisonous Pokémon. It gathers flowers and wears them on its head so that people don't think it is dangerous
Poison – fairy
093: volture
This pokemon looks like a pile of rocks when it is asleep. When it wakes up, electricity flows through its body and makes the rocks float, and when they are awakened, they look like a rough humanoid.
Electric - rock
094: breate
This Pokémon wanders around, sharpening rocks and using them as weapons. It is embarrassed of its small size, so it trains until it can lift a blade twice its size
Fighting – rock
This pokemon forges swords out of anything it can find. Because of its intense training, its sword swings can break diamonds.
Fighting - rock
This tiny pokemon takes pine cones off of pine trees and uses them as armour. It also gathers other small objects, and drops them on its opponents.
Grass – flying
This Pokémon is coated in a stone Armour. This stone can be shaved off and turned into building blocks for homes, because it is incredibly sturdy.
This pokemon drills homes in trees. This annoys many grass type pokemon. Unfortunately, these pokemon are generally weak to knockado.
This pokemon makes many homes and then abandons them. It does this to provide shelter for other, smaller pokemon during the winter.
Flying – ice
100: mudshen
This pokemon lurks at the bottom of the ocean, blened in with the mud. When anything passes in front of it, it can lash out faster than the speed of light to catch it in its jaws.
Ground – water
Though many assumed that this pokemon was a fire type because of its red feathers, it possesses no fire related power, instead relying on fairy type attacks.
Fairy - flying
This pokemon can fly at incredible speeds. At top speed, it can break through a brick wall without injuring itself.
Fairy – flying
This pokemons wings glow with a radiant light. This light can heal its allies, and damage its enemies. It is fast enough to move around earth in 7 seconds.
Fairy – flying
This pokemon is immensely strong. It is rumored to be the source of all snow, and it has the ability to turn entire stretches of ocean into fields of ice. Its large claws allow it to grip and run through ice like normal, to give it an advantage when it is on ice.
This pokemon is rumored to be the ghost of a colonizer king of years past. It inhabits large homes and it tends to steal objects. Its sword, which it is always holding, is said to be able to possess people, though this has never been tested.
Steel – ghost
This pokemon is said to be the ruler of the skies by the people of old kansa. It has a heavy contention with the kantonian pokemon Zapdos, as they both rule over the same domain. It summons lighting onto people that it deems evil.
Electric – flying
This pokemon is a corrupted version of its old self. It has grown crystals over its body from an unknown source, that has broken its mind and given it an unsatiable bloodthirst. It appears to be loyal to another pokemon, overkren.
This pokemon was said to be the creator of mountains. It sunk its claws into the earth when it took a 1000 year nap, and when it woke up and flew into the air, it took the earth with it, until the tip of the mountain ingrained in its claws broke off.
Ground – dragon
This pokemon is said to be the source of all gyzers. It turns dirt into mud in order to move through it, and sprays water to create holes to the surface so it can breathe.
Water – ground
This pokemon reached its long tentacles out into the multiverse to try and search for rare items. It does not have the strength to obtain these items, so it uses its psychic powers to get others to get them for it.
Psychic – water
This pokemon creates clones of itself. These clones go out into the multiverse, collecting items and dumping them in the kansa reigon. It was long ago possesed by overkren.
Fairy – flying
Eternia dropped a cursed crystal on its head long ago. It holds overwhelming hate in its heart, and its only goal in its life is to destroy every one of the clones of eternia, as revenge for the corruption that it has been infected with.
Poison – fighting
This pokemon once belonged to a now extinct species. It was the last living member of its genus, but became corrupted when, in a raging hunger, atempted to eat a peice of the legendary pokemon unmunki.
Poison - normal